How to Measure 1

Learn How To Measure Cabinets
Measuring Guide

Use these measuring guidelines in order to get a more accurate estimate. We recommend that one of our representatives take final measurements before ordering any cabinets.

Begin by measuring the room wall-to-wall. (You will be recording all measurements in INCHES. (EX: 110″, not 9′ 2″)

Make a rough drawing of the shape of the room. Represent each wall, door, window, and any protrusions or recessed areas.
This plan does NOT need to be ‘to scale’. Please print out a grid, or do it freehand. Only accuracy counts, not talent!

Measure each wall section and record on the drawing. (A wall section is from one corner to a door way or window.)

Measure each window and door and record.

NOTE: windows and doors are measured from outside edge to outside edge of casing or trim.

Add up all dimensions on each wall and verify that the total is equal to the total wall dimension listed on the chart. (If not, re-measure!)

Locate the center line of the sink, by measuring from one corner of the wall. Record this dimension on your rough drawing.

On a separate grid, take horizontal measurements of where the cabinets will be installed.

See example on the right below

How to Measure 2

Measure entire wall from left to right.


Measure from ceiling to floor. (Please indicate if you have soffits)

Measure horizontal wall spaces between doors, windows, wall openings, etc.
Measure horizontal wall spaces between doors, windows, wall openings, etc.

Measure vertical wall spaces above & below windows, and doors.


Measure vertical wall spaces above & below windows, and doors.

Measure from one corner of the wall to center of sink drain and water lines.

A. Measure entire wall from left to right.
B. Measure from ceiling to floor. (Please indicate if you have soffits)
C & D. Measure horizontal wall spaces between doors, windows, wall openings, etc.
E & F. Measure vertical wall spaces above & below windows, and doors.
G. Measure from one corner of the wall to center of sink drain and water lines.